What is ZSPA?
Zambia Society for Public Administration (ZSPA) is the nationwide professional association for those involved in Policy Analysis, Policy Research, Local Government Administration, Public Administration and Management.
It is a voluntary, non-profit, member-based organization that enables people to exchange ideas on trends, practices and innovations.
ZSPA aims at
- Promoting good governance
- Encouraging excellence in the provision of public services in Zambia.
- Contributing to the development of public policy and management practices that will enhance the performance of the public sector.
- Being the voice of the profession
- Being thought leaders
- Promoting professional standards
- Developing national and international partnerships
- Building ZSPA national capacity.
Who should be joining?
Zambian society for Public Administration welcomes membership from professionals with qualification in Public Administration, Business administration, Economics, Sociology and any other relevant qualification. Also persons working for public institutions and NGOs.
Give 5 reasons why it is important to belong to an association?
- Networking –For most people, creating professional relationships is important, and joining a group allows person to have a sense of security and trust. From this, a person is able to garner support and help from others to reach their professional goals.
- Participation in forums, chat groups or discussion boards. Associations such as ZSPA provide a networking platform that has become a managerial critical skill.
- A chance to attend events throughout the year that allow you to connect with peers and use them as your sounding boards. Often you will make some great friends with the same interests as you.
- Professional development – Association like ZSPA provide professional development to members through training, conferences, seminars, researches and networking Meetings.
- You have access to career resources, seminars, and training or certification classes.
Usually I attend community activities and see to church matters. I rarely have time to myself as apart from ZSPA activities I am also the founder of Zambian Institute for Customer Management, Institute for Securities and Investments and Chief Mumena Education foundation.

How has the year been for you and what are you looking forward to next year?
This year has been exciting and my achievement list is as follows;
- Elected CIMPAD Vice President Africa
- Won Awards Country and Regional Awards – CEO
- Chair of an international conference on Governance
- Speaking engagement on weekly television program
- Introduced programs to ZSPA.
For next year I would like to host an international conference on Public Administration (ZSPA has strong relationships with international public administration institutes and academic institutions) and continue with CEO Business Networking and publish a newspaper and blog.
Participation in forums, chat groups or discussion boards. Associations such as ZSPA provide a networking platform that has become a managerial critical skill.
Tip: Look for conferences, courses, and workshops offered through reputable institutions.